Bachelor's Grove Cemetery.

* Free - App with GPS, photos and audio tour to download *
Chicago Haunted Archer Avenue Tour

Find out more about Edward Shanahan at the link below.
Edward Shanahan - Personal Psychic Web Site

Edward is an Author, Article Writer & Online Newspaper Publisher for:

Edward Shanahan writer for National Examiner
Chicago Paranormal and Spiritual

Chicago Now
Chicago Tribune Online Information Site
Chicago Paranormal and Spiritual

. Haunted America Tours
Large Web Site - The Name Says It All

The eBooks by Edward Shanahan
Published in 2011

Taking The Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously. Theories - Thoughts - Experiences. eBook by Edward Shanahan
Taking The
Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously.
Theories - Thoughts - Experiences
Amazon - iTunes -Barnes & Noble - Sony

My letter to God
Amazon Kindle (exclusive)

Edward & Annette's Internet
Radio Show Broadcast

Newspaper Online
The Paranormal & Spirit World


Chicago Paranormal Nights for you
Explore and Experience the Locations

Your Own 'Private' Paranormal Night at one of three haunted historic locations to Explore and Experience.

View something unique !
Ghost House of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
Click here to view it.


Video Tour of Bachelors Grove Cemetery

Video Paranormal Collection Channel on
You Tube Paranormal Channel


* Take a close look at: G -J - K - N *
'G' is the one Amy spotted with the Screaming Face in the ground.
















Dates & Locations with Historical Locations & Ed Shanahan
Haunted Historic Locations

View something unique !
Ghost House of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
Click here to view it.

Hello Visitor's

I would like to welcome you to our web page of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery.

It was the year of 1976 and that was the 1st and last year I was at
the cemetery, until Sunday Sept. 7th 2003 when I re-entered the
location to take these photos and tape it for the cable show.

In 1976 the path you see in photo B, was actually a gravel road that
I drove to get to the cemetery. The thing about it was you could
drive in, but you had to back your car out.

The 1st time I went back there, it was night (yes in 1976 you were
allowed to go there at night ), there was my friend Dave and my wife
(then girlfriend), she would not let us go all the way to the back near
the cemetery, as she did not like the feelings she was feeling.

So my buddy and I went the next night alone, and that is when the
adventure began, we drove back there and parked the car. We got out
and walked down a path to what was like a dead tree with a branch
hanging, creating an arch to walk under in to the cemetery area.

Well we were drawn to the lagoon area by our instincts, we walked
to about 7 feet from the edge of the lagoon. The moon was creating
a reflection of light, as we looked the reflection on the water, out of
no were came foot steps, not from behind or from the sides of us, it
came from directly in front of us, but there was nothing but 7 feet of
open space a head of us before the edge of the lagoon.

We where out of there as these were heavy foot steps we heard
coming toward us, yet there was no one in front of us.

The next afternoon we went back to re-track where we walked
and that left more of an impression on us, for the fact now we
knew what we thought the night before was actually a reality.

The photos here are 27 years later after my 1st trip to the cemetery,
a lot has changed, but it seems some things will never change about
the place.

Enjoy and Happy Hauntings!

Ed Shanahan

The Photos Above
* Take a close look at: G- J - K - N *

A - Location you must park at. Today you have to park in the lot for
Rubio Woods. It is on 143rd St. East of Ridgeland. Bachelor's Grove
is across the street and west approx. 30 yards, just look for the no
parking sign and yellow piece of wood coming out of the ground.

B - Path that used to be the gravel road to the cemetery, is now a
walking path.

C - It seems that no human will be kept out of the cemetery or could
it be the cemetery will not allow it self to be fenced in?

D & E - Headstones you will come across.

F - Seems like Mother Nature had her say about the cemetery being
fenced in. As you can see in the photo, the roots are actually out of
the ground.

G - There is a screaming face in the ground - 1st Seen by Amy
(who is gifted),
right to the back head grave marker - right of the sun
light. This photo is now on 'About.Com' Paranormal Phenomena web site.

H - I - More
headstones and markers you will come across.

J & K - Take a close look at these, is there something going on?

L - The Lagoon I talked about, were it is said, that it was the location
for a few dead bodies to be laid to rest.

M - Another marker standing proud.

N - I'm into doing Pendulum readings for others and my self and created
my own Pendulum board for my use. I took it with me, laid it at the
infant child headstone and read the Spiritualist Seance Invocation
(posted at our Yahoo's group and seen in the photo).

I will now only use the board by request of others (you must use your
own Pendulum), and will create a new board for my self and for those
who are less daring. Also see what is above the sheet of paper, you the
visitor can decide what it is, as I did not see it through the camera or
with my eyes before or after the photo was taken.

O - When you walk out of the cemetery through the gates, you will come
across a trail that goes south, just keep walking on it, you will have to cross
the creek, then as you keep walking, keep your eyes open for another small
path to your right. Follow it and you will come across this well that is hidden.
You will notice huge rocks in the well also. This is said to be a well that the
settlers who lived and are buried here used.

Strange Headstone Seen in the Cemetery
It had a death date of 1989 !

Take Care & Happy Haunting.
Edward Shanahan

Haunted Historic Locations Dates with Edward Shanahan
Chicago Paranormal Nights

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For those who would like to provide
photos, experience, links etc.. to this site
feel free to contact me by e-mail :

Edward L. Shanahan

Chiago land area famous haunted location and cemetery that we will be taking tours out to, to experience the
possible spirits, paranormal activitiy and ghosts along with Ed Shanahan taking individuals to the location that
Satanic Worshipping did go on at back in the 1970's.

© 2006 - 2012 Edward L. Shanahan